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[34] P. 142. The following particulars of the six monarchs may prove not uninteresting. Achmet III. (b. 1673, d. 1739) was dethroned in 1730. Ivan VI. (b. 1740, d. 1762) was dethroned in 1741. Charles Edward Stuart, the Pretender (b. 1720, d. 1788). Auguste III. (b. 1696, d. 1763). Stanislaus (b. 1682, d. 1766). Theodore (b. 1690, d. 1755). It will be observed that, although quite impossible for the six kings ever to have met, five of them might have been made to do so without any anachronism.

[35] P. 149. François Leopold Ragotsky (1676-1735).

Typographical errors corrected in text:

Page xiv: Chapter XIII heading in Table of Contents amended to match chapter heading on page 54.

Page 2: metaphysicotheo-logico-cosmolo-nigology amended to metaphysico-theologico-cosmolo-nigology.

Page 158: Liebnitz amended to Leibnitz.

Page 168: perserved amended to preserved.

Page 172: rougish amended to roguish; crows amended to crowns.

Where there is an equal number of instances of a word being hyphenated and unhyphenated, both versions of the word have been retained: dung-hill/dunghill; and new-comers/newcomers.

A single footnote on page 90 has been moved to the endnotes, and the notes numbers re-indexed. A page reference was added to the moved footnote to match the format of other endnotes.

Modern Library blurb: "mail complete list of titles" left as is.

There are two instances of Massa Carara (pp. 43 and 45) and one instance of Massa-Carrara (page ix). As this latter is in the Introduction, i.e. distinct from the book proper, it has been retained.

The different spellings of Cungonde (which occurs only in the Introduction (page viii)) and Robeck (which occurs in the Notes [p. 170]; spelt Robek in the text [p. 53]) have been retained for the same reason.

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