Leaves of Grass

Page 70 of 72

To the Pending Year

  Have I no weapon-word for thee—some message brief and fierce?
  (Have I fought out and done indeed the battle?) Is there no shot left,
  For all thy affectations, lisps, scorns, manifold silliness?
  Nor for myself—my own rebellious self in thee?

  Down, down, proud gorge!—though choking thee;
  Thy bearded throat and high-borne forehead to the gutter;
  Crouch low thy neck to eleemosynary gifts.

Shakspere-Bacon's Cipher

  I doubt it not—then more, far more;
  In each old song bequeath'd—in every noble page or text,
  (Different—something unreck'd before—some unsuspected author,)
  In every object, mountain, tree, and star—in every birth and life,
  As part of each—evolv'd from each—meaning, behind the ostent,
  A mystic cipher waits infolded.

Long, Long Hence

  After a long, long course, hundreds of years, denials,
  Accumulations, rous'd love and joy and thought,
  Hopes, wishes, aspirations, ponderings, victories, myriads of readers,
  Coating, compassing, covering—after ages' and ages' encrustations,
  Then only may these songs reach fruition.

Bravo, Paris Exposition!

  Add to your show, before you close it, France,
  With all the rest, visible, concrete, temples, towers, goods,
      machines and ores,
  Our sentiment wafted from many million heart-throbs, ethereal but solid,
  (We grand-sons and great-grandsons do not forget your grandsires,)
  From fifty Nations and nebulous Nations, compacted, sent oversea to-day,
  America's applause, love, memories and good-will.

Interpolation Sounds

  Over and through the burial chant,
  Organ and solemn service, sermon, bending priests,
  To me come interpolation sounds not in the show—plainly to me,
      crowding up the aisle and from the window,
  Of sudden battle's hurry and harsh noises—war's grim game to sight
      and ear in earnest;
  The scout call'd up and forward—the general mounted and his aides
      around him—the new-brought word—the instantaneous order issued;
  The rifle crack—the cannon thud—the rushing forth of men from their
  The clank of cavalry—the strange celerity of forming ranks—the
      slender bugle note;
  The sound of horses' hoofs departing—saddles, arms, accoutrements.

To the Sun-Set Breeze

  Ah, whispering, something again, unseen,
  Where late this heated day thou enterest at my window, door,
  Thou, laving, tempering all, cool-freshing, gently vitalizing
  Me, old, alone, sick, weak-down, melted-worn with sweat;
  Thou, nestling, folding close and firm yet soft, companion better
      than talk, book, art,
  (Thou hast, O Nature! elements! utterance to my heart beyond the
      rest—and this is of them,)
  So sweet thy primitive taste to breathe within—thy soothing fingers
      my face and hands,
  Thou, messenger—magical strange bringer to body and spirit of me,
  (Distances balk'd—occult medicines penetrating me from head to foot,)
  I feel the sky, the prairies vast—I feel the mighty northern lakes,
  I feel the ocean and the forest—somehow I feel the globe itself
      swift-swimming in space;
  Thou blown from lips so loved, now gone—haply from endless store,
  (For thou art spiritual, Godly, most of all known to my sense,)
  Minister to speak to me, here and now, what word has never told, and
      cannot tell,
  Art thou not universal concrete's distillation? Law's, all
      Astronomy's last refinement?
  Hast thou no soul? Can I not know, identify thee?

Old Chants

  An ancient song, reciting, ending,
  Once gazing toward thee, Mother of All,
  Musing, seeking themes fitted for thee,
  Accept me, thou saidst, the elder ballads,
  And name for me before thou goest each ancient poet.

  (Of many debts incalculable,
  Haply our New World's chieftest debt is to old poems.)

  Ever so far back, preluding thee, America,
  Old chants, Egyptian priests, and those of Ethiopia,
  The Hindu epics, the Grecian, Chinese, Persian,
  The Biblic books and prophets, and deep idyls of the Nazarene,
  The Iliad, Odyssey, plots, doings, wanderings of Eneas,
  Hesiod, Eschylus, Sophocles, Merlin, Arthur,
  The Cid, Roland at Roncesvalles, the Nibelungen,
  The troubadours, minstrels, minnesingers, skalds,
  Chaucer, Dante, flocks of singing birds,
  The Border Minstrelsy, the bye-gone ballads, feudal tales, essays, plays,
  Shakespere, Schiller, Walter Scott, Tennyson,
  As some vast wondrous weird dream-presences,
  The great shadowy groups gathering around,
  Darting their mighty masterful eyes forward at thee,
  Thou! with as now thy bending neck and head, with courteous hand
      and word, ascending,
  Thou! pausing a moment, drooping thine eyes upon them, blent
      with their music,
  Well pleased, accepting all, curiously prepared for by them,
  Thou enterest at thy entrance porch.

A Christmas Greeting

  Welcome, Brazilian brother—thy ample place is ready;
  A loving hand—a smile from the north—a sunny instant hall!
  (Let the future care for itself, where it reveals its troubles,
  Ours, ours the present throe, the democratic aim, the acceptance and
      the faith;)
  To thee to-day our reaching arm, our turning neck—to thee from us
      the expectant eye,
  Thou cluster free! thou brilliant lustrous one! thou, learning well,
  The true lesson of a nation's light in the sky,
  (More shining than the Cross, more than the Crown,)
  The height to be superb humanity.

Sounds of the Winter

  Sounds of the winter too,
  Sunshine upon the mountains—many a distant strain
  From cheery railroad train—from nearer field, barn, house,
  The whispering air—even the mute crops, garner'd apples, corn,
  Children's and women's tones—rhythm of many a farmer and of flail,
  An old man's garrulous lips among the rest, Think not we give out yet,
  Forth from these snowy hairs we keep up yet the lilt.

A Twilight Song

  As I sit in twilight late alone by the flickering oak-flame,
  Musing on long-pass'd war-scenes—of the countless buried unknown
  Of the vacant names, as unindented air's and sea's—the unreturn'd,
  The brief truce after battle, with grim burial-squads, and the
      deep-fill'd trenches
  Of gather'd from dead all America, North, South, East, West, whence
      they came up,
  From wooded Maine, New-England's farms, from fertile Pennsylvania,
      Illinois, Ohio,
  From the measureless West, Virginia, the South, the Carolinas, Texas,
  (Even here in my room-shadows and half-lights in the noiseless
      flickering flames,
  Again I see the stalwart ranks on-filing, rising—I hear the
      rhythmic tramp of the armies;)
  You million unwrit names all, all—you dark bequest from all the war,
  A special verse for you—a flash of duty long neglected—your mystic
      roll strangely gather'd here,
  Each name recall'd by me from out the darkness and death's ashes,
  Henceforth to be, deep, deep within my heart recording, for many
      future year,
  Your mystic roll entire of unknown names, or North or South,
  Embalm'd with love in this twilight song.

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