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For the present, though the outlook is brighter than it was, Nietzscheism—that is to say: free-spiritedness, intellectual bravery; the ability to stand alone when every one else has his arm linked in something; the courage to face unpleasant, fatal, and disconcerting truths,—has not much hope of very general acceptance, among those to whom it really ought to appeal. Calumny, which had a long start, has deafened many to the cause and will continue deafening a larger number still, until the truth is ultimately known. Yet it is to be hoped that readers may learn to be less satisfied than they have been heretofore with second-hand accounts of what Nietzsche stood for, and that very shortly everybody who is interested in the matter will be able to reply to the slanderer with facts culled from Nietzsche's life and works.

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"Mine enemies have grown strong," says Zarathustra, "and I have disfigured the face of my teaching, so that my dearest friends have to blush for the gifts I gave them."[1]

"But like a wind I shall one day blow amidst them, and take away their breath with my spirit; thus my future willeth it.

"Verily a strong wind is Zarathustra to all low lands; and his enemies and everything that spitteth and speweth he counselleth with such advice: Beware of spitting against the wind."[2]

[1] Z., pp. 95, 96.

[2] Z., p. 116.

Books Useful to the Student of Nietzsche


Das Leben Friedrich Nietzsche's, by Mrs. Frster-Nietzsche.
Erinnerungen an Friedrich Nietzsche, by Deussen.
Nietzsche, sein Leben und sein Werk, by Raoul Richter.

Editions of works.

The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche. Edited by Dr. Oscar Levy. (The first complete and authorised English Translation.) T. N. Foulis, 21 Paternoster Square.

Friedrich Nietzsche's Werke. Library Edition 15 vols.——Pocket Edition (very good) 10 vols.


Blart, Nietzsche's Ethik.
------ Nietzsche's Metaphysik.
------ Nietzsche und Richard Wagner.
Brandes, G., Menschen und Werke.
Common, Thos., Nietzsche as Critic.
Fouille, A., Nietzsche et l'Immoralisme.
Gaultier, J., De Kant Nietzsche.
------ Nietzsche et la Rforme philosophique.
Kennedy, J. M., The Quintessence of Nietzsche.
Lichtenberger, H., La Philosophie de Nietzsche.
Mgge, Nietzsche His Life and Works.
Sera, Leo, On the Tracks of Life.
Tienes, Nietzsche's Stellung zu den Grundfragen der
Ethik genetisch dargestellt.
Tille, A., Von Darwin bis Nietzsche.
Zeitler, J., Nietzsche's sthetik.

NIETZSCHE'S WORKS: Authorised Version: edited by Dr. Oscar Levy.

Thoughts out of Season. 2 vols.
The Birth of Tragedy.
Thus Spake Zarathustra.
Beyond Good and Evil.
The Future of our Educational Institutions.
Human, All too Human. Vol. i.
The Will to Power. 2 vols.
The Genealogy of Morals.
The Case against Wagner.
The Joyful Wisdom.
The Dawn of Day.


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