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Upava'ttana, Upava'rtana, skt., a grove in Kusinagara. The word means a rambling-place, a gymnasium.—241, 245.
Upo'satha, p., Upava'satha, skt., the Buddhist sabbath. Rhys Davids says (pp. 140-141): "The Uposatha days are the four days in the lunar month when the moon is full, or new, or half way between the two. It is the fourteenth day from the new moon (in short months) and the fifteenth day from the full moon (in the long months), and the eighth day from each of these. The corresponding Sanskrit word is Upavasatha, the fast-day previous to the offering of the intoxicating soma, connected with the worship of the moon. Instead of worshipping the moon, the Buddhists were to keep the fast-day by special observance of the moral precepts; one of many instances in which Gotama spiritualised existing words and customs."—98, 99, 101, 102; observe the Uposatha or Sabbath, 99.
Uruve'l, p., Urubi'lv, skt., a place south of Patna on the banks of the Nerajara river, now Buddha Gay. The residence of Kassapa, the chief of the Jatilas.—34, 62, 64, 65, 206.
Va'jji, p., Vri'ji, skt., name of a people living in the neighborhood of Magadha, 120, 219, 220; assemblies of the Vajji, 220.
Va'rana, p. and skt., a tree; Crataeva Roxburghii.—184, 185.
Vardham'na, skt., Vaddham'na, Jaina Prkrit, proper name of the founder of Jainism. Also called Jtapu'tra in skt. and Ntapu'tta in Jaina Prkrit.
Va'runa, p. and skt., a Brahman deity, the god of heaven and regent of the sea; one of the guardians of the world.—141.
Vsavada'tt, p. and skt., a courtesan of Mathur.—200, 201, 202.
Vse'ttha, p., Vsi'shtha, skt., name of a Brahman.—139, 142.
Va'ssa, p., Va'rsha, skt., rain, rainy season. During the rainy season of Northern India, which falls in the months from June to October, the samanas could not wander about, but had to stay in one place. It[Pg 287] was the time in which the disciples gathered round their master, listening to his instructions. Thus it became the festive time of the year. In Ceylon, where these same months are the fairest season of the year, Buddhists come together and live in temporary huts, holding religious meetings in the open air, reading the Pitakas and enjoying the Jtakas, legends, and parables of Buddhism. [See Rhys Davids's B., p. 57.]
Vassakra, p., Varshak'ra, skt., lit. "rain-maker." Name of a Brahman, the prime minister of the king of Magadha.—219, 220.
Ve'das, 50, 140, 141, 187; I know all the Vedas, 159.
Veluva'na, p., Venuva'na, skt., a bamboo-grove at Rjagaha, 70, 80; Veluvana vihra, 110.
Ves'l, p., Vai'l, skt., a great city of India, north of Patna.—150, 220, 227, 228, 232, 236.
Vih'ra, p. and skt., residence of Buddhist monks or priests; a Buddhist convent or monastery; a Buddhist temple.—67, 75, 76, 95, 99, 110, 111, 165, 213, 214, 242.
Vi'mala, p. and skt. (etym., the spotless), name of a friend of Yasa.—61.
Vi'naya, 57.
Vis'kh, p., Vi'kh, skt., a wealthy matron of Svatthi, one of Buddha's most distinguished woman lay-disciples. Says Oldenberg, Buddha, English translation, p. 167: "Every one invites Viskh to sacrificial ceremonies and banquets, and has the dishes offered to her first; a guest like her brings luck to the house."—94, 95, 96, 97; eight boons of Viskh, 95; gladness of Viskh, 97.
Ya'ma, p. and skt., also called Yama-r'ja, death, the god of death.—206, 207.
Ya'sa, Ya'as, skt., the noble youth of Benares, son of a wealthy man and one of Buddha's earliest converts.—58-61.
Yaso'dhar, p., Ya'odhar, skt., wife of Prince Gotama Siddhattha before he became Buddha. She became one of the first of Buddhist nuns. [See Jtaka, 87-90; Commentary on Dhammapada, vv. 168, 169: Bigandet, 156-168; Spence Hardy's Manual, 198-204; Beal, pp. 360-364: B. Birth Stories, 127.]—13, 84-87, 92, 110, 165.
Abstain from impurity, 126.
Abstinence, 49.
Abode in me, truth has taken its, 163.
Abodes of truth, 75.
Abolish all the lesser, 247.
Abolished, omens, 173.
About to pass away, 242.
Absolution, 99.
Abuse, the sermon on, 167.
According to their deeds, 212.
Address, Buddha's farewell, 232.
Adoration be to thee, 171.
Aim, one, one essence, one law, 163.
Aim, the one, Nirvna, 164.
Aim, the preacher's sole, 128.
All creatures received the message in their own language, 55.
Alone, let a man walk, 102 (see also Solitary).
Altercations, 100.
Always in danger of death, 211.
Ambrosia, lake of, 118.
Angels rejoice, 8.
Anger, by love overcome, 137.
Annihilation, 145, 146.
Annihilation of egotism, 147.
Annihilation, Simha's question concerning, 145.
Another Buddha will arise, 245.
Anxious to learn, must be, 234.
Anxious to learn the truth, be, 126.
Apoplexy, struck by, 191.
Appearance of Bodhisatta, 25.
Appearance, the glory of his, 212.
Appeared, the saviour, 256.
Appeased not by hatred, hatred, 102.
Are all paths saving paths? 139.
Artisans, the chief of the, 201
Asceticism, 225.
Ascetics, naked, 89.
Ashes, 209.
Assemblies of the Vajji, 220.
Assemblies, various kinds of, 177.
Assured of final salvation, 248.
[Pg 289]Astrology and forecasting by signs forbidden, 236.
tman and the I, 32.
Atone for your evil deeds, you will have to, 200.
Atonement by blood, 152.
Audience, like unto the color of my, 177.
Avoid dying, not any means to, 211.
Bad deeds easy to do, 132.
Bamboo grove, 144.
Bathing in the Ganges, 14.
Battle of life, 149.
Battle, the elephant no longer fit for, 166.
Battles, fight your, 149.
Be married unto the truth, 205.
Be ye lamps unto yourselves, 234.
Beauty, to restore to you a nobler, 202.
Becoming, gradual, 138.
Bee collects nectar, the, 137.
Being, the purpose of, 255.
Beings, preach to all, 129.
Beneath, water gurgling, 193.
Best, truth is, 55.
Better bore out both eyes, 94.
Blessed One, has to suffer, the, 233;
Blessed One, refuge in the, 150, 151, 160, 247;
Blessed One swooned, the, 35;
Blessed One walked unshod, the, 109,
Blessed One, wearisome to the, 226.
Blind man, 27.
Blind men, 141.
Blind received sight, 8.
Blind, the man born, 181.
Blind, truth is hidden to the, 253.
Blind, your eyes are, 187.
Bliss be diffused, let the, 190.
Bliss, the communication of, 189.
Bliss where suffering is, 20.
Blood, atonement by, 152.
Blood has no cleansing power, 152.
Blood, shedding of, 33.
Blow, give the rock a good, 194.
Blow off the impurities, 137.
Body of flesh? Why preserve this, 242.
Body of the law, 160;
the body of the law will endure, 242.
Body, the worldling nourishes his, 189.
Bonds that tie all souls together; 259.
Boons of Viskh, eight, 95.
Brahm, 87, 139.
Brahman, 65, 139, 140, 141, 142, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 168, 186,
187, 188, 190, 194, 195, 196, 206, 207, 208, 219, 220, 224.
Brahman lore, the substance of, 141.
Bridler of men's hearts, 226.
Bright, the sun is, 139.
Bright, thinkers are, 139;
warriors are bright, 139.
Bubble, 39.
Buddhahood, omens of 8, 9;
signs of Buddhahood, 8.
Burning, every thing is, 64.
Butterfly, like the, 237.
By deeds one becomes an outcast, 196.
Calamities, ten great, 215.
Carp not, 126, 127.
Cart, as a worn out, 233.
Cast-off rags, 89, 91.
Caste, I ask not for, 196.
Cause of further migrations, 119.
Cause of selfhood, the, Found! 41.
[Pg 290]Cease by hatred, hatred does not, 137.
Ceremony, 144, 225.
Chance, 73.
Change, grief at, 15;
self is change, 158.
Charity, rich in returns, 27;
the sermon on, 75.
Charms are treacherous, 202.
Chastity, 126.
Cherish no hatred, 126.
Chickens should break the eggshell, 143.
Chief of the artisans, the, 201.
Children, I am your father, ye are, 163.
City of Nirvna, the, 130.
Cleanses from error, the truth, 250.
Cleansing power, blood has no, 152.
Cleaving to self, 158.
Cloth of gold, robes of, 239.
Cloud, like a, 164.
Cloud of good qualities, 129.
Coil, the, 39.
Color of my audience, like unto the, 177.
Combination, individuality a, 32;
combination subject to separation, 32.
Come forth into the light, 143.
Come into the world to befriend, 214.
Come to teach life, 153.
Commandments, see the ten evils, 126.
Communication of bliss, the, 189.
Complete surrender of self, 148.
Compounds will be dissolved, 158, 242.
Comprehension of things, truth the correct, 41.
Concord, two ways of re-establishing, 104;
meeting in concord, 220;
re-establishment of concord, 103.
Conditions of welfare, eight, 220.
Confer the ordination, 58.
Confession of trespasses, 99.
Conquerors, the greatest of, 132.
Conquest of self, 149.
Consolidation of Buddha's religion, 89.
Contact of the object and senses, 66.
Continuity, sameness and, 157.
Coop, the fowl in the, 122.
Correct comprehension of things, truth the, 41.
Correlatives, 20.
Courtesan, 96, 200, 227-231.
Covet not, 126.
Crane, the wild, 122;
the cruel crane, 184.
Creatures, all, received the message in their own language, 55.
Criminal, punishment of the, 148.
Criminal's act, punishment the fruit of the, 148.
Crossed the river, 225.
Crossed the stream, he had, 213.
Cultivate good-will, 67.
Culture of the mind, 87.
Danger of death, always in, 211.
Dangers hang over Ptaliputta, three, 224.
Dark, do not call the world, 187.
Dart of lust, the, 183.
Dead are many, the, 210.
Dead not saved by lamentation, 211.
[Pg 291]Deaf and dumb speak, the, 8.
Death, always in danger of, 211;
Buddha's death, 249;
fate after death, 212;
death is near, 235;
no escape from, 16;
in the domain of death, 123;
self is death, 153, 158, 160;
thoughtlessness, the path of death 132.
Deeds, according to their, 212;
bad deeds easy to do, 132;
by deeds one becomes an outcast, 196;
passed away according to his deeds, 194.
Deeper, dig, 129.
Delusion and truth, 42.
Delusions, 49.
Denies the existence of the soul, Gotama, 151.
Desert, a waterless, 142;
rescue in the desert, 191;
a sandy desert, 192.
Desire, the extinction of evil, 138.
Desolation, a hopeless, 142.
Despot, the, 199.
Destiny of warriors, 149.
Destroyed, hell is, 226.
Devadatta, sect of, 110.
Die until, etc., I shall not, 44, 235;
truth cannot die, 245.
Died in the faith, he, 207.
Diffused, let the bliss be, 190.
Dig deeper, 129.
Disciple, the first woman lay-, 61.
Disciple, a, flagged, 191.
Dissatisfied, the people, 71.
Dissolution, necessity of, 249.
Dissolved, compounds will be, 242.
Distinction, without, 164.
Doctrine, preach the, glorious in the beginning, the middle, and end 58;
my doctrine is like the great ocean, 177;
doctrine like unto fire, 178;
doctrine like unto water, 178.
Doffed their robes, the bhikkhus, 95.
Dog, the hungry, 198.
Domain of death, in the, 123.
Do not call the world dark, 187.
Do not rely on external help, 234.
Do not scold, 103.
Door of immortality, 44.
Draught-ox, exertion is a, 195.
Drink, the refreshing, perception of truth, 118.
Drinking? Is the water not fit for, 165.
Dumb, the deaf and, speak, 8.
Dust, like one who flings, 168.
Dust of worldliness, 44.
Dwelling-place, wisdom has no, 154.
Dying, not any means to avoid, 211.
Each day one hemp-grain, 34.
Earnestness is the goad, 195;
earnestness is the path of immortality, 132.
Earth, peace on, 9.
Earthquake, 249.
East, face towards the, 223.
Eating of flesh, the, 49.
Ecstasy, the song of, 221.
Eddies of transmigration, 166.
Efficacy, rituals have no, 33.
Egg-shell, chickens should break the, 143;
I have first broken the eggshell, 248.
Eggs, hen brooding over, 143.
Ego, the, 30;
ego, an illusion, 33;
the instability of the ego, 31.
[Pg 292]Egotism, the annihilation of, 148.
Eight boons of Viskh, 95.
Eight conditions of welfare, 220.
Eight wonderful qualities, 178.
Eightfold path, the, 41, 143, 237.
Eightfold, the best way is the 138.
Eldest, I am the, 248.
Elephant, powerful, 166;
the elephant no longer fit for battle, 166.
Elevate the mind, 80.
Emaciated from fasts, 35.
Embrace of truth, the, 205.
Emptiness and immaterial life, 30.
Enabled me to do so, faith, 213.
Endure, thoughts will, 132.
Enemy, his greatest, 134.
Enlightened Teacher, refuge in the, 145.
Entities, souls not separate and self-existent, 153.
Envy not, 126.
Epidemic, 121.
Eradication of self, 148.
Error, self an, 67;
error be thou my guide, 258.
Error, truth cleanses from, 250.
Errors, 126.
Escape from death, no, 16.
Essence of life, truth is the, 258;
one in essence, 259;
one essence, one law, one aim, 163.
Eternal, truth the image of the, 3.
Everlasting life, 149, 205.
Evil actions, thou canst not escape the fruit of, 159.
Everything is burning, 64.
Evil by good, overcome, 137;
evil deeds, you will have to atone for your, 200;
ignorance the root of evil, 40;
pain is the outcome of evil, 133;
evil powers no surrender, 148;
evil of lust, avoid, 183.
Evolution, 158;
in the course of evolution, 255.
Exertion is a draught-ox, 195.
Existence is spiritual, all, 151;
thirst for existence and selfhood, 39.
Expulsion, sentence of, 100.
External help, do not rely on, 234.
Extinction of self, the, salvation, 4;
the extinction of sinful desire, 138;
the extinction of thirst, 138.
Eye, the, tman and, 29;
eye of truth, 59;
mental eye, 209;
spiritual eye, 254.
Eyes, better bore out both, 94.
Face to face, Brahm, 140;
the universe face to face, 142;
face to face with him, 248.
Face towards the east, 223.
Facing towards the west, 223.
Faith alone can save, 213;
faith enabled me to do so, 213;
hast thou faith, 235;
he died in the faith, 207;
faith is the seed, 195;
faith in the Buddha, 226;
Sriputta's faith, 212.
Falter not, wise people, 133.
Famine, 120.
Farewell address, Buddha's, 232.
Fashion themselves, wise people, 133.
Fashioned, truth cannot be, 257.
Fasts, emaciated from, 35.
Fate after death, 212, 226.
Father and son, 207;
father I reverence my father, 144;
ye are my children, I am your father, 163.
[Pg 293]Faults of others, the, 134, 137.
Fell upon him, sickness, 232, 237.
Fetch me some water, 238.
Few, the living are, 210.
Fight your battles, 149.
Fire, doctrine like unto, 178.
Fire, sermon on, 64.
First broken the egg-shell, I have, 248.
First Buddha, I am not the, 245.
First lay-member, the, 60.
First women lay-disciples, the, 61.
Fish, the giddy, 183.
Fit for battle, the elephant no longer, 166.
Fit for drinking? Is the water now, 165.
Fit to live, more, 149.
Five meditations, 174.
Five roots of mind, the, 29.
Five wishes of Bimbisra, 68.
Fivefold gain, 223;
fivefold loss, 223.
Flagged, a disciple, 191.
Flagging, religious zeal, 35.
Flame, sameness of the, 155.
Flesh, the eating of, 49;
thorn in the, 138;
let the flesh waste away, 34;
why preserve this body of flesh? 242.
Flings dust, like one who, 168.
Flowers out of season, 241;
lotus flowers, 39;
mandara flowers, 9.
Following the Master over the stream, 212.
Fool, 133;
the listless fool, 190.
Foolish, pleasures destroy the, 134;
foolish talk, 140.
Forbidden, miracles, 119-121.
Forecasting by signs forbidden, astrology and, 236.
Found! the cause of selfhood 40;
found the truth, 55.
Foundation of the Kingdom of Righteousness, 47.
Four kinds of offering, 186;
four kinds of merit, 186;
four simples, 181;
the four quarters, 143;
the four noble truths, 41, 181;
the four signs, 15;
where four roads cross, 140.
Fowl in the coop, the, 122.
Fragrant like the lotus, 201.
Free your mind of ignorance, 126.
Fruit of evil actions, thou canst not escape the, 159;
the fruit of immortality, 195;
the fruit of the criminal's act punishment, 148.
Fruits, ripe, 211.
Ganges, bathing in the, 14.
Giddy fish, the, 183.
Gift of religion, the, 138.
Gift, the king's, 69.
Give also to the Nigganthas, 150;
give, if thou art asked, 137;
give the rock a good blow, 194.
Gives away, he who, etc., 241.
Giving away, 75.
Glad tidings, 1.
Gladness of Viskh, 97.
Glorious in the beginning, middle, and end, preach the doctrine 58;
the truth is glorious, 60, 61, 68.
Glory of his appearance, the, 212;
the truth in all its glory, 256.
Goad, earnestness is the, 195.
Goal, the, 118, 138.
Gods and men, teacher of, 226.
Goes out to wage war, 130.
Gold, robes of cloth of, 239.
Gone into the yoke, 138.
[Pg 294]Good qualities, cloud of, 129;
happiness is the outcome of good, 133;
overcome evil by good, 137;
good tidings, 21;
cultivate goodwill, 67;
good works are rain, 195.
Gotama Gate, 224.
Governs all things, karma, 111.
Grace, the time of, 183, 192.
Gradual becoming, 158.
Grant me my life, 107, 186.
Great is thy faith, 222.
Great understanding, muni of, 170.
Greatest enemy, his, 134;
the greatest of conquerors, 132.
Greedy tailor, the, 184.
Grief at change, 19;
overcome grief, 234;
selfish in my grief, 210.
Grounded, that it be well, 222.
Grove, bamboo, 144.
Guide, error be thou my, 258.
Guiding-rein, mind is the, 195.
Happily, let us live, 139.
Happiness is the outcome of good, 133;
vanity of worldly happiness, 3.
Happy, he is altogether, 143;
make thyself happy, 235.
Hard times teach a lesson, 122.
Harvest Nirvna, the, 195;
thou wilt reap the harvest sown in the past, 159.
Hast thou faith? 235.
Hatred appeased not by hatred, 102;
cherish no hatred, 126;
hatred ceases by love, 137;
hatred does not cease by hatred, 137.
He promoted him higher, 182.
He who gives away, etc., 241.
He who walks righteously is ever near me, 246.
Hearts, bridler of men's 226.
Heaven, hope of, a mirage, 122;
like one who spits at heaven, 167;
pleasures of self in heaven, 153.
Heavenly songs, 241.
Hell is destroyed, 226.
Helmet of right thought, 93.
Help, do not rely on external 234;
now my lot to help, 214.
Hemp-grain, each day one, 34.
Hen brooding over egg, 143.
Hereafter, the, 159.
Heresies, 73.
Hermit, layman and, 59.
Higher, he promoted him, 182.
Hold fast to the truth, 234.
Holiness better than sovereignty, 27.
Homage, worthiest, 241.
Honor, so great an, 228.
Honored be his name, 69.
Hope of heaven a mirage, 122.
Hopeless desolation, a, 142.
Hungry dog, parable of the, 198.
I am not the first Buddha, 245;
I am the eldest, 248;
I am the truth, 163;
I am thirsty, 238;
I ask not for caste, 196;
I have first broken the egg-shell, 248;
no room for the I, 65;
I reverence my father, 144;
I shall not die until, etc., 44;
such faith have I, 221;
the I perishable, 66;
the I, the soul, 29;
the thought of I, 31;
the transmission of the soul and the I, 32.
Idea of self, the, 242.
Identity, 156;
identity and non-identity, 152, 156;
[Pg 295]identity of self, 157;
where is the identity of my self? 155.
Idle talk, invocations are, 159.
If thou art asked, give, 137.
Ignorance, free your mind of, 126;
ignorance the root of evil, 40.
Illimitable light, 259.
Illusion, self an, 42, 149;
the ego an illusion, 33.
Illustration by a lamp, 155;
illustration by a letter, 155.
Image of the eternal, truth the, 3.
Immaterial life, emptiness and, 30.
Immeasurable light, 118.
Immolation, 152.
Immortal, life, 119;
the immortal path 76.
Immortality, 72, 84, 210;
door of immortality, 44;
earnestness is the path of immortality, 132;
immortality in transiency, 3;
immortality in truth, 153, 160;
the fruit of immortality, 195;
the water of immortality, 149;
truth and immortality, 6.
Immutable, the words of Buddha, 20.
Impure is nakedness, 95, 96.
Impurity, abstain from, 126;
purity and impurity belong to oneself, 131.
Impurities, blow off the, 137.
In the course of evolution, 255.
Incantations, 144;
incantations have no saving power, 33.
Incarnation of the truth, 253.
Individuality a combination, 32;
the wheel of individuality, 65.
Inexhaustible life, 174.
Instability of the ego, the, 66.
Instruction, words of, 170.
Instruments, 64.
Invocations, 141;
invocations are idle talk, 159.
Is it wrong to go to war? 147.
Jewel, a, 252;
precious crown jewel, 130.
Jewels and worldliness, 59.
Jungle, a pathless, 142.
Karma governs all things, 121.
Keep my hold on life, 232.
Kill not, 126.
King Bimbisra, 25, 65, 69, 90, 110.
King of kings, 250;
king of truth, 130, 163;
powerful king, 130.
Kingdom of Righteousness, Foundation of the, 47, 55.
Kingdom of truth, 48.
King's gift, the, 69.
Kings, Nga, 9.
Knew me not, they, 178.
Knowledge remains, 154.
Kusa-grass, 193.
Lake of Ambrosia, 118.
Lake, still, like a, 133.
Lame walk, the, 8.
Lamentation, dead not saved by, 211.
Lamp, illustration by a, 155.
Lamps unto yourselves, be ye, 234.
Land, pure, 173.
Language, all creatures received the message in their own, 55.
Last word, 249.
Law, body of the, 160;
one aim, one essence, one law, 163;
the law the body of the Tathgata, 253;
[Pg 296]the body of the law will endure, 242.
Laws are temporary, many, 253.
Laws of righteousness, obediene to the, 152.
Lay disciples, the first women, 61.
Lay member, the first, 60.
Lay robes, 91.
Layman and hermit, 59.
Layman, priest and, alike, 74.
Leaning against the doorpost, 242.
Learn, must be anxious to, 234.
Learning, availeth not, 169.
Lesser, abolish all the, 247.
Lesson given to Rhula, 165.
Lesson, hard times teach a, 122.
Let a man walk alone, 102.
Let the bliss be diffused, 190.
Let the flesh waste away, 34.
Let us go into the world, 250.
Let us live happily, 139.
Let us obey the truth, 254.
Let your light shine forth, 109.
Letter, illustration by a, 155.
Letter, in the, 104.
Lie not, 126.
Life, battle of, 149;
come to teach, 153;
life everlasting, 149, 205;
grant me my life, 107, 186;
keep my hold on life, 232;
life immortal, 119;
inexhaustible life, 174;
reason in the struggle for life, 255;
seek thou the life that is of the mind, 153;
truth is life, 153;
life yearns for the truth, 258.
Light, come forth into the, 143;
illimitable light, 259;
immeasurable light, 118;
let your light shine forth, 109.
Like a still lake, 133.
Like unto the color of my audience, 177.
Lily, the, on a heap of rubbish, 138.
Lineage of the faith, 222.
Lintel, leaning against the, 242.
Listen to both parties, 103.
Listless fool, the, 190.
Little by little, 182.
Live happily, let us, 139.
Live, more fit to, 149.
Lives of men, 198.
Living are few, the, 210.
Living, luxurious, 188.
Living in paradise, 207.
Lobster, 184.
Locality? is wisdom a, 154.
Locality, Nirvna not a, 154.
Logic holds universally, 156.
Lord, glorious, 150, 247.
Lord, pass away, 235.
Loss, fivefold, 223.
Lost, a treasure that can never be, 171.
Lost son, the, 182.
Lot to help, now my, 214.
Lotus-flower in water, the, 51, 75, 118.
Lotus-flowers, 39, 93.
Lotus, fragrant like the, 201.
Love, hatred ceases by, 137;
love of truth, 149;
overcome anger by love, 137;
the world filled with love, 143.
Lust, the dart of 183.
Luxurious living, 188.
Macarisms, 41, 42, 171.
Made up of thoughts, 131.
Magic power, 119.
Main, rivers reach the, 225.
Make thyself happy, 235.
Maker, Issara, the, 72.
Maker, the, self, 73.
[Pg 297]Man, a blind, 27.
Man born blind, the, 181.
Man, who is the strong? 125.
Mango-grove, 139, 221, 237.
Many, the dead are, 210.
Married unto the truth, be, 205.
Master, out of reverence for the, 248.
Master over the stream, following the, 212.
May be expected to prosper, Sangha, 221.
Me, this is done by, 132.
Meats remained undiminished, 205.
Medicines, 90, 210, 246.
Meditation (see bhvana and sati-patthna in the Glossary), 39,
174, 137.
Meeting in concord, 220.
Men, blind, 141;
teacher of gods and men, 226;
the lives of men, 198.
Men's hearts, bridler of, 226.
Mental eye, 209.
Merit, four kinds of, 186.
Merit, the order (sangha) the sowing ground of, 226.
Message in their own language, all creatures received the, 55.
Migrations, cause of further, 118.
Mind, Brahm's, 142;
culture of the, 87;
elevate the mind, 80;
mind is the guiding rein, 195;
seek thou the life that is of the mind, 153;
the five roots of mind, 29;
there is mind, 151.
Mind, we the result of, 131.
Miracle-mongers, 173.
Miracles, 172.
Miracles forbidden, 119-121.
Mirage, hope of heaven a, 122.
Mirage, the cause of self a, 32.
Mirror of truth, the, 225.
Mission, the preachers, 127.
Moon, the, shines by night, 139.
Moral powers, 97.
Moral sense, 97.
More fit to live, 149.
More, sin no, 183.
Mortification not the right path 35.
Mortification profitless, 49.
Mortification vain, 50.
Mother, a, 67.
Muni of great understanding, 170.
Mustard seed, the, 209.
Naked ascetics, 89.
Nakedness, impure is, 95, 96.
Name, honored be his, 69.
Nature of religion consists in worship and sacrifice, the, 152.
Nature of the rope, the 67.
Nature of self, the, 66.
Near me, he who walks, righteously is ever, 246.
Necessity of dissolution, 249.
Nectar, the bee collects, 137.
Needed, the one thing that is, 153.
Noble, eightfold path, the, 41, 237, 258.
Noble truths, the four, 41, 181.
Non-action, 145, 146.
Non-existence of the soul, 153.
Non-identity, identity and, 152, 158.
Not any means to avoid dying, 211.
Not worthy of yellow robes, 103.
Nothing remains, 160.
Nothing will remain, 225.
Nothingness stares me in the face, 153.
[Pg 298]Nourishes his mind, the wise man, 189.
Novices, precepts for the, 124.
Now is the time to seek religion, 21.
Now my lot to help, 214.
Obedience to the laws of righteousness, 152.
Obey the truth, let us, 254.
Object and senses, contact of, 66.
Observe the Uposatha or Sabbath, 98.
Ocean, 226;
rivers in the ocean, 214;
my doctrine is like the great ocean, 177.
Offering, four kinds of, 186.
Omens abolished, 173.
Omens of Buddhahood, 10.
One hemp-grain each day, 34.
One in essence, 259.
One, the truth is but, 138, 164, 157.
One thing that is needed, the, 153.
Oneself, purity and impurity belong to, 131.
Order, rules for the, 233.
Order, the, (sangha) the sowing-ground of merit, 226.
Ordination, 58, 59, 88, [see also Pabbajj and Upasampad
in the Glossary].
Others art thou thyself, 157.
Others, the faults of, 134, 137.
Our water is all gone, 193.
Outcast, the, 195;
by deeds one becomes an outcast, 196;
who is an outcast? 195.
Outcome of evil, pain is the, 133.
Outcome of good, happiness is the, 133.
Outwitted, 184.
Overcome anger by love, 137.
Overcome evil by good, 137.
Overcome grief, 234.
Ox led to slaughter, 211.
Pain is the outcome of evil, 133.
Parable, 165, 179 &c.
Parable of the hungry dog, 198.
Paradise in the West, the, 173;
living in paradise, 207;
the paradise of the pure land, 173.
Parties, listen to both, 103.
Party in search of a thief, a, 206.
Pass away, about to, 242;
people pass away, 212;
the truth will never pass away, 152.
Passed away according to his deeds, 194.
Passion, rain and, 132.
Past, thou wilt reap the harvest sown in the, 159.
Path of transmigration, weary, 237;
sign of the right, 143;
the eightfold, 41;
the immortal path, 76;
the noble eightfold path, 143, 237, 258;
mortification not the path, 35;
walk in the noble path, 160;
a pathless jungle, 142;
are all paths saving? 139. [See also Maggo in the Glossary.]
Peace on earth, 9.
Peacemaker, the, 197.
People dissatisfied, the, 71;
people pass away, 212;
wise people falter not, 133;
wise people fashion themselves, 133.
Perception of truth, the refreshing drink, 118.
Perishable, the I, 66.
Personalities of Buddha, the three, 232.
[Pg 299]Pestilence, 121.
Physician, 20, 181, 210;
the best physician, 169;
without beholding the physician, 246.
Pit, treasure laid up in a deep, 171.
Pity me not, 28.
Plantain-tree, 39.
Pleasure, he who lives for, 133;
let a man take pleasure in the dharma, 171.
Pleasures destroy the foolish, 134;
pleasures of self in heaven, 153;
why do we give up the pleasures of the world, 172;
religious wisdom lifts above pleasures, 209.
Potter, 163;
potter, vessels made by the, 211.
Power, incantations have no, 33;
magic power, 119.
Powerful elephant, 166.
Powerful king, 130.
Powers, moral, 97.
Practise the truth, 160.
Praise of all the Buddhas, the, 258.
Prayers, 141;
prayers vain repetitions, 33.
Preach the doctrine, glorious in the beginning, middle, and end, 58;
preach to all beings, 129.
Preacher's mission, the, 127;
the preacher's sole aim, 128.
Preachers, Tathgatas are only, 131.
Precepts, 247;
precepts for the novices, 124;
ten precepts, 124;
walk according to the precepts, 241.
Precious crown jewel, 130.
Precious jewel, a, 252.
Priceless, the lives of men are, 198.
Priest and layman alike, 74.
Prince, test of the, 13.
Problem of the soul, the, 29.
Profitless, mortification, 49.
Prohibitions, 120.
Promoted him higher, he, 182.
Propound the truth, 127.
Prosper, sangha may be expected to 221.
Prospered, bhikkhus, 120.
Punishment of the criminal, 147.
Punishment, the fruit of the criminal's act, 148.
Puppets on a string, 123.
Pure land, the paradise of the, 173.
Purity and impurity belong to oneself, 131.
Purpose of being, the, 155.
Purpose, speak to the, 126.
Qualities, cloud of good, 129;
eight wonderful qualities, 178.
Quality, the thing and its, 30.
Quarrels, 100.
Quarters, the four, 143;
the six quarters, 144.
Question concerning annihilation, 145.
Questioned, the sages, 13.
Questions of the deva, 168.
Rabbit rescued from the serpent, 27.
Rags, cast-off, 89, 91, 110.
Rhula, lessons given to, 165.
Rain and passion, 132.
Rain fell, 94.
Rain, good works are, 195.
Rare in the world, 228.
Reap the harvest sown in the past, thou wilt, 159.
Reap what we sow, we, 153, 200.
[Pg 300]Reason,as the helpmate of self. 256.
Reason in the struggle for life, 255.
Reason, no truth is attainable without, 256.
Reasoning ceases, 154.
Rebirth without transmigration of self, 33.
Rebuked, the bhikkhus, 109.
Received the message in their own language, all creatures, 55.
Re-establishing concord, two ways of, 104.
Re-establishment of concord, 103.
Reform to-day, 123.
Refreshing drink, the, perception of truth, 118.
Refuge in the Blessed One, 150, 151, 160, 247.
Refuge in the Buddha, 60, 61, 64, 68, 168, 206, 251, 257.
Refuge in the Enlightened Teacher, 145.
Refuge is his name, 213.
Rejoice, angels, 8.
Religion, Buddha's, consolidation of, 89;
now is the time to seek religion, 21;
seeing the highest religion, 138;
the gift of all religion, 138;
worship and sacrifice the nature of religion, 152;
thou tearest down religion, 152.
Religious man, the, and truth, 125;
religious wisdom lifts above pleasures, 209;
religious zeal flagging, 35.
Rely on yourselves, 234.
Remain in thy station, 74;
nothing will remain, 225;
the truth will remain, 242, 249.
Repetitions, prayers vain, 33.
Reprove, do not, 103.
Rescue in the desert, 191.
Restore to you a nobler beauty, to, 201.
Revere the traditions, 254.
Reverence for the Master, out of 248.
Reverence my father, I, 144.
Rice-milk, 95.
Rich in returns, charity, 27.
Righteous cause, war in a, 149.
Righteousness, foundation of the kingdom of, 47;
source of all righteousness, 118;
the kingdom of righteousness, 55;
the throne of truth is righteousness, 257.
Right path, mortification not the, 35.
Right path, sign of the, 143.
Right thought, helmet of, 93.
Ripe fruits, 211.
Rituals have no efficacy, 33.
River, crossed the, 225.
Rivers in the ocean, 214.
Rivers reach the main, 225.
Roads cross, where four, 140.
Robe of the Tathgata, 127.
Robes, lay, 91;
robes of cloth of gold, 239;
the bhikkhus doffed their robes, 95.
Rock a good blow, give the, 194.
Room for the I, no, 65.
Root of evil, ignorance the, 40.
Roots of mind, the five, 29.
Rope, the nature of the, 67.
Rubbish, the lily on a heap of, 138.
Rules for the order, 233.
Sabbath, 98;
observe the Uposatha or Sabbath, 98.
Sacrifice, 33;
sacrifice of self, 152;
[Pg 301]the nature of religion, worship and sacrifice, 152.
Sacrifices, 33;
sacrifices cannot save, 159.
Sages questioned, the, 13.
Saint, a sinner can become a, 172.
Salvation alone in the truth 234;
assured of final, 248;
salvation the extinction of self, 4;
work out your salvation, 237, 249.
Sameness and continuity, 157.
Sandy desert, a, 192.
Save, faith alone can, 213.
Saving paths? Are all paths, 139.
Saving power, incantations have no, 33.
Saviour of others, a, 163.
Saviour appeared, the, 256.
Saviour, truth the, 5.
Scepticism, 126.
Schism, the, 100.
Search of a thief, a party in, 206.
Season, flowers out of, 241.
Season, rainy, 58, 232.
Sect of Devadatta, 110.
Seed, faith is the, 195.
Seeing the highest religion, 138.
Seek thou the life that is of the mind, 153.
Self, 72;
self an error, 67;
self an illusion, 41, 67;
self and the cause of troubles, 67;
self and truth, 4, 41, 148; self begets selfishness, 5;
cleaving to self, 158;
complete surrender of self, 148;
eradication of self, 147;
self-extinction, 152,
identity of self, 158;
illusion of self, 67;
pleasures of self in heaven, 153;
self is change, 158;
self is death, 153, 160;
self-mortification, 89;
my self has become the truth, 163;
reason as the helpmate of self, 256;
rebirth without the transmigration of self, 33, 153;
sacrifice of self, 152;
the conquest of self, 149;
the extinction of self, salvation, 4;
the idea of self, 242;
self, the maker, 73;
the nature of self, 65;
self, the veil of My, 6;
truth and self, 153;
truth guards him who guards his self, 132;
thou clingest to self, 122;
where is the identity of my self, 155;
compounds lack a self, 158.
Selfhood, the cause of, found, 40.
Selfhood, thirst for existence and, 39.
Selfish is my grief, 210.
Selfishness, self begets, 5.
Selfishness, surrender, 67.
Sense, moral, 97.
Senses and object, contact of, 66.
Sentence of expulsion, 100, 101.
Sentiency, truth vibrated through, 255.
Separation, combination subject to, 31.
Sermon on abuse, the, 167;
the sermon on charity, 75;
sermon on fire, 64.
Serpent, rabbit rescued from the, 27.
Seven kinds of wisdom, 97.
Sevenfold higher wisdom, 222.
Shaveling, 195.
Shedding of blood, 33.
Shine forth, let your light, 109.
Shines by night, the moon, 139.
Sick bhikkhu, the, 213.
Sickness fell upon him, 232, 237.
Sight, blind received, 8.
Sign of the right path, 143.
[Pg 302]Signs forbidden, astrology and forecasting by, 236;
signs of Buddhahood, 10;
the four signs, 15.
Sin, struggle against, 237.
Sinner can become a saint, a, 172.
Six quarters, the, 144.
Slaughter, 33.
Slaughter, ox led to, 211.
Smith, Chunda, the, 237, 240.
Snake, no rope, 67.
So great an honor, 228.
Soldier, a, Simha, 147.
Soldier of truth, a, 149.
Soldiers of the Tathgata, 130.
Solitary, 137.
Son, the lost, 182.
Son, father and, 107.
Song of ecstasy, 221.
Songs, heavenly, 241.
Sorcerers, 173.
Sorrow compared with a sword, 19.
Soul, Gotama denies the existence
of the, 151;
non-existence of the soul, 153;
the I the soul, 29;
the problem of the soul, 29;
the Buddhist conception of soul, viii.
Souls not separate and self-existent entities, 153.
Soup, a spoon tastes not the flavor of the, 191.
Source of all righteousness, 118.
Sovereignty, holiness better than, 27.
Sow that you will reap, what you, 200.
Sow, we reap what we, 153.
Sower, the, 194.
Sowest, others will reap what thou, 159.
Sowing-ground of merit, the order (sangha) the, 226.
Speak, the deaf and dumb, 8.
Speak to the purpose, 126.
Speaking untruths, 166.
Speculations, 138.
Spells forbidden, 121.
Spirit, in the, 104.
Spiritual, all existence is, 151.
Spiritual eye, 254.
Spits at heaven, like one who, 167.
Spoon, a, tastes not the flavor of the soup, 191.
Spread the truth, 56.
Staircase, a, 140.
Stares me in the face, nothingness, 153.
Station, remain in thy, 74.
Steal not, 126.
Stream, following the Master over the, 212.
Stream, he had crossed the, 213.
String, puppets on a, 123.
Strong man, who is the? 125.
Struck by apoplexy, 191.
Struggle against sin, 237.
Struggle for life, reason in the, 255.
Struggle must be, 148.
Subject to separation, combination, 31.
Substance, the, of Brahman lore, 141.
Such a one will wander rightly in the world, 170.
Such faith have I, 222.
Suffer, the Blessed One had to, 233.
Suffering, bliss where there is 20.
Sun is bright, the, 139.
Sun of the mind, the, 188.
Superstition, 144.
[Pg 303]Supplications forbidden, 121.
Supplications have no effect, 172.
Suprabuddha, 110.
Surrender, 148.
Surrender selfishness, 67.
Surrender to evil powers, no, 148.
Swear not, 126.
Sweet, wrong, appears, 133.
Swooned, the Blessed One, 35.
Sword, sorrow compared with, 19.
Tailor, the greedy, 184.
Talents. [See Abh in the Glossary.]
Talk, foolish, 140.
Tastes not the flavor of the soup, a spoon, 191.
Teach the same truth, 258.
Teacher, the, 131;
teacher of gods and men, 226;
the teacher unknown, 177;
we have no teacher more, 247.
Temporary, many laws are, 253.
Ten commandments, the, 126.
Ten great calamities, 215.
Ten precepts, 124.
Terms of the world, such are the, 211.
Test of the prince, 13.
That it be well grounded, 222.
There is mind, 151.
They knew me not, 178.
Thief, a party in search of a, 206.
Thinkers are bright, 139.
Thing and its quality, the, 30.
Things as they are, 67.
Thirst for existence and selfhood, 39.
Thirst, the extinction of, 138.
Thirsty, I am, 238;
water for the thirsty, 1.
This is done by me, 132.
Thorn in the flesh, 138.
Thou art the Buddha, 150;
thou canst not escape the fruit of evil actions, 159;
thou clingest to self, 122;
thou tearest down religion, 152;
thou wilt reap what thou sowest, 159.
Thought, helmet of right, 93;
the thought of I, 31.
Thoughtlessness the path of death, 132.
Thoughts continue, 154;
made up of thoughts, 131,
thoughts of love, 143;
thoughts will endure, 132.
Three dangers hang over Ptaliputta, 224.
Three personalities of Buddha, the, 252.
Three vows, 56.
Three woes, the, 14.
Thyself, others art thou, 157.
Tidings, glad, 1; good tidings, 21.
Tie all souls together, bonds that, 259.
Time of grace, the, 183, 192.
Time to seek religion, now is the, 21.
Times, hard, teach a lesson, 122.
To-day, reform, 123.
Together, bonds that tie all souls, 259.
Traditions, revere the, 254.
Transiency, immortality in, 3.
Transmigration, eddies of, 166;
rebirth without the transmigration of self, 33;
weary path of transmigration, 237.
Transmission of the soul and the I, 32.
[Pg 304]Treacherous, charms are, 202.
Treasure laid up in a deep pit, 171.
Treasure that can never be lost, a, 171.
Trespasses, confession of, 99.
Troubles, the cause of, and self, 67.
Truly thou art Buddha, 145.
Trumpeter, 143.
Trust in truth, 2.
Truth, a soldier of, 149;
abodes of truth, 75;
be anxious to learn the truth, 126;
be married unto the truth, 205;
Buddha the truth, 2, 245, 254;
delusion and truth, 42;
eye of truth, 59;
glorious is the truth, 60, 61, 68;
hold fast to the truth, 234;
I am the truth, 163;
immortality in truth, 153, 160, 205;
incarnation of the truth, 253;
kingdom of truth, 48;
let us obey the truth, 254;
life yearns for the truth, 258;
love of truth, 149;
my self has become the truth, 163;
no truth is attainable without reason, 256;
perception of truth, the refreshing drink, 118;
practise the truth 160;
propound the truth, 127;
salvation alone in the truth, 234;
spread the truth, 56;
teach the same truth, 258;
the embrace of truth, 205;
the king of truth, 130, 163;
the mirror of truth, 225;
the throne of truth is righteousness, 257;
the religious man and truth, 125;
the truth cleanses from error, 250;
the truth found, 55;
the truth has been made known to me, 247;
the truth will never pass away, 152;
the truth will remain, 242, 249;
the world is built for truth, 257;
there is but one truth, 138, 164;
trust in truth, 2;
truth and immortality, 6;
truth and self, 4, 41, 148, 153;
truth cannot be fashioned, 257;
truth cannot die, 245;
truth dawns upon me, 159;
truth guards him who guards his self, 132;
truth has taken its abode in me, 163;
truth in all its glory, 256;
truth is best, 55;
truth is hidden to the blind, 253;
truth is life, 153;
truth is one, 257;
truth is the essence of life, 258;
truth the correct comprehension of all things, 41;
truth the image of the eternal, 3;
truth the saviour, 5;
truth vibrated through sentiency, 255.
Truthful, be, 126.
Truths, the four noble, 41, 181.
Twelve nidnas, the, 40.
Two ways of re-establishing concord, 104.
Tyrant, 198.
Unclean, the vessel has become, 165.
Undiminished, meats remained, 205.
Unguents, 90.
Union of what we know not, 141.
Union with Brahm, 141.
Universally, logic holds, 156.
Universe, face to face, 142.
Unknown teacher, the, 177.
Unshod, the Blessed One walked, 109.
Untruths, speaking, 165.
Vain, mortification, 50.
[Pg 305]Vain repetitions, prayers, 33.
Vanities, 59.
Vanity, 31, 122, 132, 134, 173;
vanity of worldliness, 121;
vanity of worldly happiness, 3.
Various kinds of assemblies, 177.
Veil of self-delusion, the, 200.
Vessel has become unclean, the, 165.
Vessels, 163;
vessels made by the potter, 211.
Vibrated through sentiency, truth, 225.
Victor, the greater, 149.
Vision a samana, the, 20.
Vows, three, 56.
Walk according to the precepts, 241;
let a man walk alone, 102;
the lame walk, 8;
walk in the right path, 68.
Wander rightly in the world, such a one will, 170.
War, goes out to wage, 130;
is it wrong to go to war? 147;
war in a righteous cause, 148.
Warriors are bright, 139.
Warriors, destiny of, 149.
Water, doctrine like unto, 178;
fetch me some water, 238;
is the water now fit for drinking? 165;
our water is all gone, 193;
the lotus-flower in water, 51, 75, 118;
water gurgling beneath, 193;
water for the thirsty, 1;
the water of immortality, 149.
Waterless desert, a, 142.
Ways, the best of, is eightfold, 138.
We have no teacher more, 247.
Wearisome to the Blessed One, 226.
Weary path of transmigration, 237.
Welfare, eight conditions of, 220.
Well, the woman at the, 196.
West, facing towards the, 223;
the paradise in the West, 173.
What we know not, a union of, 141;
what you sow that you will reap, 200.
Wheel, the, 51;
the wheel of individuality, 65.
Where does the wind dwell? 154;
where four roads cross, 140;
where is Nirvna? 154;
where is the identity of my self? 155.
Which is the true self? 158.
Who is an outcast? 195;
who is the strong man? 125.
Why do we give up the pleasures of the world? 172.
Why preserve this body of flesh? 242.
Wild crane, the, 122.
Wind, as a great, 154.
Wind dwell? where does the, 154.
Wisdom has no dwelling-place, 154;
is wisdom a locality? 154;
religious wisdom lifts above pleasure, 209;
seven kinds of wisdom, 97;
sevenfold higher wisdom, 222.
Wise man nourishes his mind, the, 189;
wise people falter not, 133;
wise people fashion themselves, 133.
Wishes, five, of Bimbisra, 68.
Without beholding the physician, 246.
Woes, the three, 14.
Woman, a worldly, 213;
if you see a woman, 93;
the woman at the well, 196.
Women as a rule are, etc., 228;
the first women lay-disciples, 61.
Word, last, 249;
[Pg 306]word of the Buddhas, 22.
Words of Buddhas immutable, the, 20.
Work out your salvation, 237, 249.
World dark, do not call the, 187;
world filled with love, 143;
let us go into the world, 250;
rare in the world, 228;
such a one will wander rightly in the world, 170;
such are the terms of the world, 211;
the world is built for truth, 257;
come into the world to befriend, 214;
why do we give up the pleasures of the world? 172.
Worldliness, dust of, 44;
jewels and worldliness, 59;
vanity of worldliness, 121.
Worldling nourishes his body, the, 189.
Worldly happiness, vanity of, 3;
a worldly woman, 213.
Worn-out cart, as a, 233.
Worship, 33.
Worship and sacrifice, the nature of religion, 152.
Worthiest homage, 241.
Worthy of yellow robes, not, 103.
Wrong appears sweet, 133.
Yasa, 58-61.
Yellow robes, not worthy of, 103.
Yoke, gone into the, 138.
Your eyes are blind, 187.
Yourselves, be ye lamps unto, 234;
rely on yourselves, 234;
yourselves have known, 248.
Zeal flagging, religious, 35.